This pillow is comfortable and makes it easier to breastfeed also its nice to just pop baby in it when you need to do something quickly or when he/she just fed and you want to keep the baby up right so that the baby doesn't vomit.
Snuggletime Snuggle Up Nursing Pillow
Love the quality and serves my purpose
Sally Harmse
Snuggletime Snuggle Up Nursing Pillow
I ordered this as a gift to my colleague and great was my excitement and satisfaction when I noticed the sheer happiness it brought her. I am sure that she and her baby will spend their best times together sharing this pillow.
Snuggletime Snuggle Up Nursing Pillow
Not much words ,It’s just perfect 🙂
Snuggletime Snuggle Up Nursing Pillow
Great unit for a newborn carrier, lives on the car seat now, does as advertised and is very handy for public while they are sleeping, wish they offered different darker colours